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Stumbling Through Darkness

Stumbling Through Darkness

I have fond, painful memories of playing games with our daughters. I tried to provide plenty of Dad-time. They usually wanted to play a game. Our oldest hated “Trouble” because her younger sister would OFTEN beg to play it. Not sure why she liked it so much. Maybe it...
Can You Walk On Water?

Can You Walk On Water?

Would you like to walk on water? I’ve often thought it would be pretty cool. In those dreamy moments I picture a calm sea with glassy-still water. But the night of Peter’s maiden voyage as water-walker was dramatically different. I’ve been on the shore of the Sea of...
Is Prayer Second Best?

Is Prayer Second Best?

There was a time when I really didn’t like mission agency reps. Seriously. I cringed when I saw them coming. It all started when I was at Bible college. I entered Bible college to begin preparing for ministry. Apparently that put a target on my head for overzealous...